That’s right. Timbuktoons turned 12 years old this month.
It’s hard to believe, but this little animation company has reached the “tween” years.
Much like an actual tween, we’ve seen our share of changes and distinct seasons over the past 12 years.
In celebration of Timbuktoons’ birthday, here are 12 things we’ve learned along the way.
- Dream big and try big things. Don’t give up when you fail. Grow from it and continue to take smart risks.
- There will always be others who are more talented, successful, and lucky than you are. The key is to maximize what you’ve been given with an attitude of gratitude and humility.
- Pay the extra money for a direct flight to LA.
- Passion means you care enough about your craft that you’ll pull all-nighters if needed to get the job done. One all-nighter with your team can be fun as you push to the finish line.
- Two all-nighters in a row is not fun at all (even if Sean plays Sabotage at max volume at two a.m. to keep you awake).
- Face-to-face meetings and word-of-mouth are the best marketing tools.
- Work with your friends and you’ll grow even closer.
- Treat people right. A leader serves others and a leader’s job is to encourage others to accomplish bigger things than they thought possible.
- Collaboration is key. The best artist is all of us together. Foster an environment where everyone is working primarily in their strengths.
- Relationships, customer service, and quality work equals the best business plan.
- Economic downturns will come and they will affect your studio. Plan for Murphy to show up from time to time. Embrace it and invite him in for coffee (your treat of course.)
- Be laser-focused on your purpose and what market you are serving.
Ok, there are 50 other things that come to mind, but I have to limit it to 12.
I’m humbled and thankful for the employees, contractors, interns, and strategic partners we’ve worked with and I’m honored to serve our amazing clients and friends.
We’re looking forward to the next dozen years of developing and producing animation!