
The Game Bible

“Timbuktoons was instrumental in concept-art development. Their art was spot-on, edgy and real.  It was a blast to get Timbuktoons’ expertise on it!” — The TornadoTwins.

Age of Edge wanted a unique look to their latest ambitious project that takes the gamer through the Bible from beginning to end.

Client, Project: Age of Edge, The Tornado Twins // research, concept art

“The Game Bible” (working title) is a full video game for all major platforms that pushes gaming boundaries with its high-quality industry-rivaling quality. Timbuktoons was contacted for concept-art development services.

Part of our effort was to draw an incredible range of items, weapons and environmental objects. Age of Edge’s 3D artists then developed each drawing into full-fledged 3D art. The drawings helped 3D modelers rapidly create the game art and give the environments a deep immersive look and feel.


  • Draw a wide range of items with historical accuracy
  • Provide enough detail in the 2D drawings for the 3D artists to be successful
  • Research and draw many items in a short turnaround


  • Crewed up for research tasks to streamline the production of props, assets and environments
  • Setup milestones that included reference material approvals before production even began to make sure we hit the mark with historical accuracy and game design needs

Age of Edge specializes in creating compelling media products including video games, apps, fictional user-experiences, narratives, electronic music and more. It’s led by the TornadoTwins, heads of the world’s largest tutorial channels on how to develop video games and dubstep.

For more information about The Tornado Twins visit http://TornadoTwins.com

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