
Cartoons With A Cause

To see some of our CWAC work, download our latest case study .pdf from the Recent Work page.

CWAC. No, that’s not a misspelling of duck noises or a derogatory term for psychologists. It’s the acronym for our cause-based initiative, “Cartoons With A Cause.”

Media is a powerful tool, and is used to teach, train, influence, tell great stories, bring awareness, stir emotion, persuade, and engage. Billions are spent on production and distribution, and media reaches every corner of the world.

On YouTube alone, 2 billion videos per day are watched. Even in the most remote and destitute spots in third-world countries, media is being consumed and having an impact.

On a recent humanitarian trip to the Dominican Republic, I visited children in a Haitian refugee camp. They lived in shacks, were half-clothed, and had no running water, but one boy kept talking about John Cena (a WWE Wrestler).

Finally I asked him where he saw wrestling and he said he saw it on television. There was only one television in the camp…but this kid knew who John Cena was and was excited to talk about it.

While there I also had the honor of painting a children’s mural and other signage designed to attract overlooked children and give them hope.

Art has always had a powerful impact on viewers, whether it’s a mural, or a 10 minute cartoon.

Since it’s inception, Timbuktoons has served families and children thru cartoons and other creative media.

Two of our core values are:

  1. Childhood is important.
  2. Art Matters.

This is our calling. It’s one of the main reasons Timbuktoons exists.

We want to be the “go-to” company for organizations that need any type of creative media to help on the front lines of helping children around the world.

Media has a way of transporting hurting kids into a world that’s better than their own.

Our goal at Timbuktoons is to create family-friendly media that gives children in the worst situations hope, love, knowledge, and encouragement.

We’ve been privileged to work with such organizations as: Compassion International, Cox Creative/The Woman’s Center of Tarrant County, TX, Orbie for Orphans, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, and Upward Bound Ministries to bring hope, help, and encouragement to the most overlooked, mistreated, and forgotten children in the US and around the world.

We continue to produce commercial work as well, but the main reason for Timbuktoons existence is to help children thru creative media.

Recently, I worked thru a life-planning e-book developed by Michael Hyatt, and read a book called “One Big Thing” by Phil Cooke (one of our recommended Leadership Books available here), which further solidified my personal commitment and the Timbuktoons dedication to helping children.

In one chapter, Cooke asks the question, “What bugs you?” What keeps you up at night?

He quotes Frederick Buechner who said, “Your vocation is where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

My deep gladness is animation and creative media. The world’s deep hunger that keeps me up at night is children who are trafficked, orphaned, abused, neglected, enslaved, and forgotten.

There are great organizations in place that are meeting the needs of these children and we want to help them with their mission.

If you know of any conferences, events, companies, organizations, school systems, missionaries, or networks that need creative media, illustration, info graphics, motion graphics, or cartoons, let them know about Timbuktoons. We live and breathe this stuff and we’d love to help!

Help us get the word out about Cartoons With A Cause (CWAC) and let’s use the power of creative media to literally change lives!

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