
3 Keys to Animation Creative Flow

It can take some work to get in the flow but here are 3 keys...

The goal to creative flow is to achieve that “almost effortless, yet highly focused state of consciousness” (Mark McGuinness) we get when we’re “in the zone.” It’s the times when you’ve worked for several hours and didn’t realize it. Here are 3 Keys:

  1. Creating “zones of silence” by choosing several hours per day that are free of e-mail, TV, radio, cell phone, land line, etc. (unless it helps you get in the zone, such as music).
  2. Creating large chunks of time to focus on the work you choose to do and then protect that time vigilantly!
  3. Develop a routine of the above and schedule these times when you are “at your best” (for example at Timbuktoons we’ve found that 8:00-11:00AM are great production hours if we decide the day before what to dive right into when we get to work).

If you missed a previous post on Creative Time Management here’s a snapshot:

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